Why Collect Emails? Benefits of Building an Email List


Why Collect Emails?

Have you been asked by the Marketing Manager to collect emails and create email lists? Like many business owners, you may be skeptical about taking email marketing seriously.

It is true that in recent years a number of new strategies such as social media and viral marketing, growth hacking, paid media advertising, etc. have come into the digital marketing scene.

However, email marketing has become a test of time. Creating email newsletters is one of the most effective ways to strengthen customer relationships and increase business revenue.

In this article, we will explain the top reasons why email marketing is still important and why you should collect emails. We'll show you step-by-step how to get started with your email list.

Introduction to Email Marketing and Email List

Email marketing is one of the oldest and most popular online marketing strategies in the world. This is the process of sending emails to your customers to sell more.

There are a few things you need to do to start email marketing campaigns first. These are an email list and email marketing software.

An email list is a list of email addresses that you can send emails to. Ideally, they are the person who allowed you to send their emails from your business.

Once you have a lot of subscribers in your email list, you can start sending emails using their email marketing software.

Benefits of Building an Email List

As mentioned above, email marketing is an effective marketing strategy in the world. According to the Direct Marketing Association, email marketing shows a 4300% average return on investment (ROI) for businesses in the US.

Similarly, ExtractJaret's statistics show that every $ 1 investment spent on email marketing earns an average ($ 44.25).

This is proof enough that you need to create your email list and start email marketing.

If you want to know more about why emails are important and why you need to create an email list now, here are the reasons.

1. Email is Personal

Staying private in online conversations makes your users feel more humane and real.

Email lets you personalize your business messages. You can address each username and leave a message you want.

Send private email,

Not only is email language personal, technology is also personal. When you send an email, you enter someone's personal email inbox directly.

2. Users Prefer Emails to Other Media for Businesses

Although several new messaging technologies have emerged, people prefer to email for business messages.

For example, people often talk to friends and family on social media, but they also use email to talk about business.

Therefore, a mailing list is a thing to focus on to do business.

3. Emails Help You to Build Intimate Relationship with Users

Emails are the best way to communicate with your users, it allows you to talk to your users in person and ask questions if they run into any problems.

As mentioned above, the email inbox is a private space. So you can discuss the issues your customers are facing and help them solve them.

These types of conversations help you build closer relationships with your customers. Being happy can always help your customers grow their business with word of mouth.

4. Email is Targeted

Emails are extremely effective because you can send targeted emails to the target group. You can easily group users based on your site's email responses and activities and send them the most relevant offers.

The grouping of your users in the mailing list is called segmentation.

You can find this feature in the email marketing software you want to use.

5. You Own Your Email List

An email list is often compared to the number of followers on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. but there is a huge difference between them.

Related companies, you don't actually own social media followers. The way you interact with your social media followers can change with their policy changes.

However, you own your own email list. Having a mailing list means guaranteed access to thousands of users' inboxes, as long as they stop using email addresses.

6. Email Is Not Going Anywhere

Many social media platforms, once very popular for blogging and advertising, have disappeared over time. Emails have been here for a long time and they are not going anywhere.

Nowadays, almost every internet user has at least one email account All you need is an email account to sign up for a social media account, such as a Face book or Twitter account.

According to the study, there are 3.6 billion active email accounts in the world. That's half the world's population.

This means email marketing won't go away, so adding day-to-day subscribers will give you a great list that can have a significant impact.

7. Emails Convert More Subscribers into Customers

All of the factors described above ultimately contribute to your conversions.
For example, you can send personally targeted emails and influence users to buy your product or service.
Now that you know why emails are relevant, go ahead and see how to create an email list.

How to Create an Email List?

If you're convinced that you should create an email list for your business, let's take a look at the steps needed to create an email list.

Step 1. Create a website:

A business website is the best platform for collecting email addresses. If you are a beginner, you can use WordPress to create your own website.

Step 2. Add a subscription form to your website:

Once you have a website, you can add a subscription form to your site. The subscription form allows your users to subscribe to your blog by entering their email address.

If your website is in WordPress, you can easily create a subscription form using the WPForms plugin. This is the most user-friendly form builder plugin for WordPress.

You can add a survey form to your site using this plugin and collect emails from survey participants.

Step 3. Attach your subscription form to the email marketing software:

You need email marketing software to store your collected emails as well as send emails.

There are several email marketing tools you can choose from. In all of them, we recommend that you use Constant Communication as it has a primary-friendly interface for advanced email marketing features.

If you want to see the option of constant communication, check out our review of the 6 best email newsletter tools.

Step 4. Add an Email Option plugin to your site

Displaying Email Option Forms helps your email list to grow faster. The option persuades users to fill out your form and lets you collect emails.

To add email alternative forms and popups, you can use OptinMonster. It is one of the most popular lead generation tools available on the market.

It has powerful features like exit-intent technology that help you convert your abandoned visitors into customers. You can add a countdown timer and create an idea on an urgent basis and collect more emails.

Step 5. Send emails wisely

After you've collected a lot of email addresses, the next step is to send emails. The most important thing to do is to send messages wisely because your emails aren't affected until they reach your user's inbox and they don't open it.

Compose emails carefully to make sure it doesn't look like a spam message and is sent using a suitable tool. Next, analyze the functionality of your emails and improve them further.

We hope this article has helped you understand why you need to collect email and how to start email marketing on your own. You may also want to check out our guide on how to increase your SEO ranking with Google Analytics.

And don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more marketing tips.

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