How To Create Account On Fiverr and a gig create and published

 How To Create Account On Fiverr 

Make sure you have patience before creating a fiber account. Because freelancing is full of fans and patients. Communication is a secret key to successful and dynamic top sellers. Improve your communication skills.

Most people who wanted to start their career as a full-time freelancer and have no idea where to start don't worry. Fiber is the best place to start as an empire like yours. And if you want to make more money and earn more as a full-time employee, you need to fully understand Fiber about how to use it the right way. If you win or lose, it's not like the freelance game you play.

As a beginner, you need to break down what you will do with your client's projects and write down your services clearly. And what and how you will provide the best quality service to them.

Here are the basic steps you need to take care of when you place an order with new clients or you can say that it includes an improvement in your service:

You need to make sure select the correct category

Prices and opportunities are clearly written

You have answered all the relevant questions of the client

You need to ask the client to understand more and send the detailed requirements for you

Your portfolio should be presented digitally to show all previous projects to all clients and to convert your lead into sales.

Always clients want to show that you are the best-skilled person. When a person gets a project and hires a freelancer from a Fiber website, sometimes he forgets about that person, but if he gets great service, he will always remember his services, but not a person who was covering your client's needs in full support.

How to create Fiverr Account

  • You must need a Google Account or Facebook Account
  • Create a Fiverr Account Open the link
  • Create unique Fiber usernames and strong passwords
  • Once you have verified your Fiber account we move to the seller account

How to create Fiverr Seller Account

Create Your Easy Buyer Account Now follow how to create a successful seller account. Where you make your jig and sell your services.

How to make a fiber jig and

This option shows you at the top right of your screen. When you become a seller, click on the screen below. Click and continue to the next screen.

Fill in your personal information now. This information is very important because this information will be displayed on your public profile. And that way buyers can get to know you better.

Enter your full name. You upload great pictures for your profile. Enter a 600-word description of the services you are providing. Be sure to select 3 more languages that will help you get more orders.

 Here is your professional information. You can write something about yourself. Your job. My programming tech. Choose at least two and at most five of your best skills.

The skill experience you are adding is definitely relevant to your jig. Add your education.

If you have any testimonials you must add them. This is a great effect on your profile. At the end of your professional info page, you will see the link to the website. If you have a website, but the link in the link field of the website. Otherwise, leave blank.

All this information must be true. Otherwise, Fiverr can restrict your account at any time.

You have linked your account to your Google Facebook Twitter account, if possible connect to your GitHub account etc.

Account protection must verify your email and your number. After verifying your number, you will be able to create your jigs.

 Once you have verified your mobile number your completion rate is 70%. Click Finish.

Congratulations. !! You have successfully created your seller account.


When you create your seller account you must create a gig on Fiverr.

The important thing is that GIG alone is not enough to get a creation order. If you want more orders and want to make 1000 1000 per month, you must know-

Creating a Gig

Your gig is a service that you sell on Fiverr. Creating a gig is an opportunity to showcase your talents and provide buyers with all the information they need to help you decide to do business with you.

To create a gig:

  • After you log in, click Switch from Sales, and then click gig saw.
  • Click a new gig.

   Note: If this is the first gig created, go to your profile picture, click on my profile. Then click on Dashboard and finally click Start Sales. Fill out your seller profile then proceed to make your gig.

Step 1: Overview

1. In the GIG title field, enter titles of up to 80 characters.
Your title should be concise, clear, and to the point.

   Note: "I will" is specific to all gigs and which cannot be deleted, so make sure the title starts with your wish so that it is grammatically correct.

2. Go to the category drop-down menu, select the appropriate category for your category, and then the subcategory. Fiverr will recommend categories and subcategories that supported by your title. To select a category, simply click on the related link.

Gaming is not a category. If you provide gaming-related services, select only a gaming-related category (or further define criteria in the gig metadata area below). For example, if you want to select a service is game design, select Graphics & Design> Game Design.

You will not be able to change this after publishing your Gig's section, so choose carefully and make sure the section matches the service you provide.

3. In the Service Type drop-down menu, select a service type to ensure that it appears in search results related to the selected category.

   Note: This feature is merely available for specific categories.

4. In the GIG metadata region, select the relevant criteria for every topic.

    Note: This feature is merely available for specific categories.

5. In the case of search tags, add one to five words or phrases that best describe your gig.

6. Click Save and Continue.

Step 2: Opportunity and pricing

  1. In the name of your package field, enter a short title for the service you are offering.
  2. Describe the details of your proposal in the given area.
  3. In the Delivery Time drop-down menu, select how long it will take you to complete your gig.
  4. Select the different items you want to include in your service (extra). It depends on the sort of service you're providing. For example, if you provide logo design services, you can choose from a predefined list of items, such as the logo number to include, the source file, or a high-resolution file.
  5. In the Revisions drop-down menu, select the number of corrections you want to include in your gig. It is not mandatory, but it is recommended for gigs where customization or is made.
  6. In the drop-down menu, select a price for your service (from 5$ to 995$).


In specific sections, you can create three alternative packages. Click or try to launch 3 packages.

If you create three packages, customized additional services will be available for buyers to proceed to the checkout page.

Voice over Jigsaw has a separate pricing scheme.

Adding additional services:

You have the option to distribute your gig extra-fast and charge accordingly.

To set up an extra-fast delivery:

  • Select the Extra fast Delivery checkbox in the My Gig Extras section and indicate how long it will take to deliver and how much you will charge.

Note: If you select Extra Fast Delivery, it cancels the number of days you have specified for your additional services for extra fast delivery. Delivery time must be less than the frame time of the regular gig supply.

Also, you can provide additional services for your gig that are available to the buyer during the ordering process. These fields are optional. 

  • My Gigs, select from the list of available items.
  • If you want to add a unique customized gig extra, click Add Gig Extra and then fill in the title, description, amount of money you have taken, and how long it will take you.

Note: For each supplement provided, select the checkbox and then set your price and how long it will take you to finish it. Additional names are mandatory.

Shipping and handling:

If you want to stop shipping a product, you can charge for shipping.

1. Select the checkbox, select how much you will charge in the specific country and then anywhere else.

Note: If you have multiple orders enabled, you can choose how much to charge.

2. Click Save and Continue.

Step 3: Description and FAQ

1. In the description field, briefly describe your gig (at least 1,200 characters). Be as detailed as possible so buyers are able to determine if your jig meets their needs.  
    Note: If you add a URL, include only the URL from the authorized list. Do not add contact information.
2. Click Add FAQ for Frequently Asked Questions.
    Note: Here, you can add answers to the most frequently asked questions. Your FAQ will appear on the jig page.
3. Add a question you think buyers might ask, and then write your answer.
4. Click Add.
5. When you have finished adding your FAQ, save, and click Continue.

Step 4: Requirements

 Tell your buyer to start ordering. You can define instructions as free text, multiple-choice questions, or a file upload for the buyer.

1. In the required # 1 case, enter the details you need.
2. In the Answer Type field, select Free Text, Multiple Answers, or Attached Files.

     Note: Fields will appear if you select multiple answers. Fill in the multiple-choice answer you want to select the buyer. You have the option to allow multiple answers.

3. Mark the answer as a mandatory checkbox if you require the buyer to provide your selected information.
4. Click Add.
5. When you define your buyer's requirements, save and click.

Step 5: Gallery

1. In the Gig Photos area, drag and select an image, then click Browse.
You can upload up to three photos related to your gig. Photos can be a sample of your work. Each image should be in JPEG, PNG, GIF, or BMP format and limit to 50 MB. At least one image must be uploaded for gig release.
The image should be your own. Do not use copyrighted images downloaded from the Internet; Otherwise, your gig will not be approved.

2. In the Gig Video area, drag a video and select the video, then click Browse 
- This field is mandatory for the video and animation section, but optional for all other sections. Make sure your video is no more than 75 seconds long and no less than 50MB. We suggest that your services be offered only on Fiber.
- Once you add a video, it will be used for market thumbnails (instead of the jig photos you upload).
- Do not add contact information to your gig video.

3. Drag or browse to an audio file in the Gig Audio area and select a file
- This section is not available in all sections.
- Supported formats are MP3 and MPEG. Make sure your audio is no less than 3:30 and 10 megabytes.
4. In the Gig PDF area, drag a PDF and select the PDF, then click Browse. You can upload at least two PDF files.
   Note: This field is optional. Only the first three PDF pages will be displayed.
5. Click Save and Continue.

STEP 6: Publish

Publish and promote your gig

1. Click Release Gig.

You will see various social networks on which you'll promote your gig. to market your gig, just click an icon and fill in the details.

2. Click Done.

  Note: If you've got a video in your gig, its status is going to be pending until your gig has reviewed the video. If there's no video in your gig, it'll be actively labeled.

To edit a gig:

  1. After you log in, from the Sales menu, click gig saw.
  2. The gig you would like to edit and from the drop-down list on the proper, select Edit.
  3. Make the changes you would like to form and click on Save.

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